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about Project Feed the Kids

est. 2020

We started Project Feed the Kids because I watched my mother struggle when I was a kid. As I became a mother, I also struggled. Now we're giving back to help those that live with food insecurities as we once did.

We started Project Feed the Kids in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic was hard on everyone, but it was especially hard on those with children. Kids weren't in school, people lost their jobs, and we knew families would need help feeding their children. 

Right when the pandemic began, buses were delivering meals to homes that qualified for free or reduced lunch. We thought that was a great idea, so we decided to help. After all, who was feeding the kids on the weekend?

We packed 81 meals that first week.

We received hundreds of calls asking if we had any more meals. It was an easy decision to go bigger. The very next week, we packed 500 meals. Today, we are up to 3,000+ meals a weekend and still growing. 

Each meal costs $2.50 to produce.

Our coolers are available 24/7 and are open to anyone who needs help. If you are in need, simply pull up to a cooler and take what you need.

No questions asked.

Help us end hunger.

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